ROM MIUI 7 Lenovo A6000
MIUI 7 untuk Lenovo A6000/plus masih menggunakan Android Kitkat 4.4.4. Untuk segi tampilan, jelas ada beberapa perbedaan di bandingkan dengan UI yang dipakai pada Custom ROM MIUI 6 Redmi 2 sebelumnya. Kalau dilihat dari versi bentukan 5.8.14 sepertinya di develop dari ROM Redmi Note. Tetapi setidaknya ROM
ini sudah stabil untuk penggunaan harian.
Karena ROM ini berbasis ROM MIUI CN (cina) maka aplikasi theme dan lainnya juga untuk lokal china, tidak seperti ROM MIUI Global. Keyboard yang dipakai juga bukan keyboard AOSP melainkan Touch Pall Keyboard. Bukan masalah yang besar karena anda bisa meng-install Google Keyboard dari Playstore jika merasa tidak nyaman.
Sedangkauntuk urusan rooting, anda tidak perlu melakukan rooting ulang karena ROM MIUI 7 untuk Lenovo Kraft ini sudah native root (ini istilah root bawaan di MIUI). Jadi tidak perlu melakukan rooting ulang dengan aplikasi rooting apapun.
Berikut changelog ROM MIUI 7 selengkapnya:
New card swap: exchange business cards with friends, to see the other side of the card is set in a large picture and information
New calls show: shoot a video and set to call the show, call a friend, the other side you can see the answer interface (requires already exchange business cards with each other)
Added perfect adaptation large font, jumbo font
Identify new tickets, train tickets messages can be added to the calendar, but also view traffic, weather, hotel reservations
Added perfect adaptation large font, jumbo font
[Lock screen, status bar, notification bar]
Added notification bar switch Animation
Interactively optimize brightness of the notification bar
Optimization of the status bar battery icon
Optimize the display of the status bar under a large font
Optimization of height and large fonts notice
Optimizing display fonts "Notification Manager" on page
Children optimization mode, lock screen to hide smart home center
Fix some cases roaming icon does not go away
Close the window repaired holster reduce screen brightness problems
Some recommended topics shield repair button and the problem of overlapping clock plug-in content
Repair large fonts, notes desktop gadget display problems
New Child mode
Real-time display optimization blur
Optimization of the system comes under the large font display desktop plug
Optimization of one-handed mode start speed
Children optimization application list mode hidden settings and Security Center
Optimization mode disabled children and Google Now voice assistant
Optimized Desktop editing mode set wallpaper popups Copywriter
After the repair depth problem Desktop Cleanup reloaded
Fix the problem at large font display interface
Added support ring to identify the user to sleep through the millet hand, you're automatically turn on and off mode
Optimizing cold start speed
Optimization of the background memory footprint reduced by an average of 15 to 30%
Added perfect adaptation large font, jumbo font
Added perfect adaptation large font, jumbo font
New roaming millet, enjoy convenient, high quality international data roaming service, this month the upcoming opening of 36 countries and regions
[Clock / calculator]
Added perfect adaptation large font, jumbo font
New Birthday Alarm: In your birthday sounded the alarm becomes our elaborate birthday song
[Yellow] life
Optimization of Yellow Pages navigation interface, and highlight the more common telephone number service
Traditional radio antennas new home right corner entrance
Optimization of Home Search box Expand
Repair large fonts, playpage subscribe button text wrap issue of
Repair large fonts, line spacing does my program page issues
Instalasi ROM MIUI 7 ke Lenovo A6000/plus dan Lenovo K-30T/W
Dengan mengikuti tutorial yang saya berikan berarti anda setuju dengan Disclaimer dan patuh dengan aturan DMCA di KnoAcc Blog
- Pastikan sudah meng-install Custom Recovery (TWRP/Philz/CWM) untuk Lenovo Kraft
- Download ROM MIUI 7 dari download section
- Letakkan di sdcard dan rename file menjadi agar mudah ditemukan.
- Matikan ponsel dan nyalakan dalam mode recovery dengan menekan 3 tombol: volume up, volume down dan power bersamaan.
- Setelah masuk Custom Recovery, Pilih menu Wipe Data dan Wipe Cache (CWM/Phliz)
- Kemudian pilih menu install from sdcard dan pilih file
- Tunggu hingga proses selesai.
- Lakukan reboot, dan
- Voilla... that's MIUI7 UI for you gan...
Jika ada pertanyaan untuk install SuperSU (root) saat akan reboot to system, abaikan saja dulu yang penting bisa masuk system. Soal rooting bisa diurus belakangan. Toh ROM ini sudah Native Root.
Download Section
Download langsung dari dengan nama file: atau gunakan link mirror dari mediafire dengan nama file: a6000-k30-miui7_5.08.14[].zip keduanya berukuran 457.28MB.
Download MIUI 7 Mediafire
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